Thursday, October 27, 2011

Taking pictures is therapy or my "get away" from all the worries and issues that the world seems to  throw at you and lately I've had my share of them!!  One day last week I was in need of some therapy so I took a small trip around my yard looking for anything that would catch my attention.  To my surprise I found quite a few interesting things that I wasn't looking for!  First I stumble upon a small green snake in my drive way.  I thought it was sun bathing because it laid there motionless even as I slowly crept up on it.  As I focused closer through my lens I noticed that it was wounded and most likely dead.  I thought with that wound and him being motionless it was OK to take both eyes of him long enough to get a photo!  As I looked through my lens to get the shot suddenly that nasty spider below appeared as well!! Here I am trying to take peaceful pictures of nature and I stumble across two things that I dislike the most, snakes and spiders!!! I was quickly reminded that God created everything and even the things that we think are bad or not right was created in his perfect image.  I will praise him in this storm and I will lift my head!!  Here are a few scripture that I found

"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

"Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." (John 1:3)

"Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away." (Psalm 148:1-6)

 I did capture this yellow flower coming out of the ground with a insect inside.  Thought it was pretty cool!!

Famous Pumpkin Patch Pictures!

Something about a pumpkin patch, pictures, and precious little kids just go together!  I think it is the change of the weather and different scenery that does it.  Or in Luke and Addison's case it was just a great time to get the two together to run, laugh, and play with each other!  You would have thought we took the kids to the fair as excited as they were running around crazy through pumpkins!!  It was just precious! Speaking of precious Casey found a great deal on their matching outfits.  Luke was sporting Frankenstein and Addison made a witch look really cute!  I wanted to share a few pictures of our pumpkin fun :)
Luke and Addison trying really hard to pose for thier Mommy's in spite all the temptations to run around crazy and touch every pumpkin in the patch!

I didn't have any shoes that would complete this outfit so I decided to let Luke go barefooted for a bit.  As soon as he touched the ground he said "Cowwld" meaning Cold on his feet!
Addison posing perfectly for a picture. I think she was trying to do a witch spell on the pumpkins with her waving hands!
"I love you Addisey!!" 
Luke calls Addison "Addisey"  Everytime he sees a picture of her he just says her name about five times and then goes about his business.  Addison on the other hand loves to just laugh at all the funny things Luke does!  He can be a clown sometimes!  Me and Casey told Luke to give Addison a hug and he went right over and gave her love!  They are going to be best buddies!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!

Well it has been a few months since I have been in the blogging world.  I am back for now and I have a lot of catching up to do!!  So hopefully stay tuned for the "Denton family catch up!"  I debated how to do this??  Should I start from several months ago or just dive into whats going on in our world today?  I decided to work from today and slowly go backwards in hopes of not missing too much!

So it is hunting season and there are a lot a deer going down in our neck of the woods!!  Landon has gotten in on the action and killed his first deer with his daddy on 10/18/2011.  The story behind this first deer is so cute that I have gotta share it!  Bobby and Landon camouflaged up and headed to Frank Dail's farm in hopes to kill a six pointer that Bobby and his Grandaddy has had their eyes on for Landon.  Of course things didn't go quite as planned and instead of bucks they saw a lot of does!!  Most of you reading this probably do not know what "buck fever" is so I will explain.  Usually when you see a buck (especially a big one) you get really anxious and you start shaking with excitement.  Well Landon got "doe fever" and kept saying that he couldn't shoot the doe because he couldn't be still.  Bobby being the awesome dad that he is made Landon repeat after him, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Landon repeated the Scripture but not in time to get a shot of the first set of does.  So the second group of does came out and sounds like it was just a repeat of the first step.  Landon got upset because he couldn't be still and Bobby made him repeat the scripture again!  This time Bobby said that the does heard Landon talking and the second group scattered and went back in the woods.  Normally this would be the end of a hunt but in the last minute a single doe came out about 30 yards from their ground blind and Landon smoked em'.  You really have to hear Bobby tell this story if you want a good laugh!  Either way They were two proud boys!! Here are some pictures of Landon's doe and Bobby's 8 pointer! 

Landon and his first nanny sue (doe)

Proud Dad and Landon showing off his deer
Luke helping show off Daddy's 8 pointer.  Starting Luke young!
This is a good picture of Bobby holding his deer.  He is so in his element!!!
Luke was rubbing this deer's head like it was his pet!  He wasn't scared of him at all!